As a son of Harlem, I am ready and committed to doing the work of uniting our great community. It is time to pull our folding chairs up to the table in order to create the future that Harlem deserves."
It's time for Harlem’s next generation of public servants to have a seat at the table.

Assemblywoman Inez E. Dickens

Fmr. Assemblyman
Keith L.T. Wright

Yusef Salaam

Fmr. Congressman
Charlie Rangel

State Senator
Cordell Cleare

Fmr. Governor
David Paterson
Jordan is Proudly Endorsed By

District Leader
Harry Rodriguez

District Leader
Maria Luna

District Leader
Wilma Brown-Phillips

State Committee Member
Londel Davis, Jr.

Al Taylor

Fmr. Comptroller
H. Carl McCall

Iesha Sekou


District Leader
William Allen

"Harlem is my home and it would be the greatest honor of my life to represent you."
Jordan's Priorities for Harlem

We must end the displacement of Harlemites and incentivize mission-driven development that is equitable and community focused. I will work will my colleagues to protect tenants, develop housing that is AFFORDABLE TO OUR COMMUNITY, create and protect homeowners, and address homelessness at its root.

New York City is unaffordable for those of us who struggle just to get by; we need careers that create generational wealth, not just jobs to maintain. As an Assembly Member, I will partner with organized labor to create and expand local apprenticeship programs, ensure Harlem is getting its fair share of the billions of dollars being spent to combat climate change, and ensure we are investing in our small businesses.
Workforce Development

Education & Youth Services
The most important investment we can make is in our young people. I will work to ensure those growing up in Harlem have the necessary infrastructure around them to live up to their fullest potential by investing in schools, afterschool programs, summer youth opportunities, and public-private partnerships that truly enrich the lives of young people.
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Latest News

The safety of our community, streets and transit system is of the utmost importance. We must balance the need for people to be - and feel - safe, while recognizing that our community is over-policed and under-resourced. In Albany, I will work with labor and the full spectrum of stakeholders to create a framework that recognizes our neighbors' lived experiences and develop compassionate solutions that address crime at its root - lack of equitable investment.
Public Safety

As a young Black man born in the 1990’s, I’ve already lived through the crack era; 9/11; the Great Recession; a housing crisis; rollbacks of the Voting Rights Act of 1965; the largest mass shooting in US History several times over; active shooter drills in schools; Muslim, Jewish and Asian hate surges; the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and countless others; the overturning of Roe v. Wade; and a global pandemic. Undoubtedly, we are all living with trauma that must be addressed and our representatives should always be looking for ways to make seeking help easier and less stressful.
Additionally, we must invest in solutions that prevent people from suffering from the burden of medical debt, address the maternal mortality crisis that is killing women of color at an alarming rate, ensure our safety net and teaching hospitals have the investments they need to serve our community, and allow hospitals to provide essential, preventative community programming at places like farmers markets and health fairs.
Mental Health & Healthcare

Environmental Justice
A holistic environmental justice platform for Harlem is one that uplifts by championing the rights of our people, and advocating for policies that recognize both the urgency and opportunity presented by climate change. Rooted in the principles of equity and inclusivity, as Assembly Member, I will address the disproportionate environmental impact felt by Harlem by ensuring we are first in line to receive the benefits from actions taken to address the crisis. Through grassroots organizing, community outreach, and strategic partnerships that strive to amplify the voices of our Village, we can foster a healthy, equitable future for Harlem, where environmental well-being is synonymous with social and economic justice.
LGBTQIA+ Community
New York is a leader in championing rights for our LGBTQIA+ community. As a proud ally, I am vocal about the right to be able to pursue a happy and fulfilling life regardless of who you love. I promise to continue to be that vocal ally and when elected to office I promise to continue to be a voice for these values, especially when they become threatened.
LGBTQIA+ Community
New York is a leader in championing rights for our LGBTQIA+ community. As a proud ally, I am vocal about the right to be able to pursue a happy and fulfilling life regardless of who you love. I promise to continue to be that vocal ally and when elected to office I promise to continue to be a voice for these values, especially when they become threatened.
New York is a leader in championing rights for our LGBTQIA+ community. As a proud ally, I am vocal about the right to be able to pursue a happy and fulfilling life regardless of who you love. I promise to continue to be that vocal ally and when elected to office I promise to continue to be a voice for these values, especially when they become threatened.